When we started Battenwear, almost 10 years ago now, our goal was to make items that people love to wear so much that they wear them to pieces.
You know what we're talking about right? That thing in your closet that fits you so very well, and because of the particular way you've worn it, it would fit no one else? That pair of shorts worn to threads but you just keep putting them on, hoping that today won't be the day they finally give into gravity. The book bag with ink stains and holes that you keep filling with your stuff for each trip. The hat which has become like an old pal so you just keep wearing it even though your hair sticks out the rip at the back.

We plan to accomplish a lot more with Battenwear before we're done, but we could go peacefully to our final rest right now knowing that we've already made ten years of clothes people have loved to SHREDS.
The full life cycle of a Battenwear item is what really interests us when we're designing. We pick fabrics that will change with age and try to build things as strong and comfortable as possible. All this so that when your Battenwear item get downright old (as all things do), you still want to wear it, because there's nothing else in the world quite like it.

If you read the above and thought, oh, that's exactly how I feel about X Battenwear item, then here's the call to action.
Please send us photos of your extremely worn Battenwear. The farther gone, the better. The more it looks like yours and nobody else's, the better.
Show your good work wearing us to pieces.

During the month of May, 2021, all photos with well worn Battenwear gear sent by email (info@battenwear.com) or posted with #battenworn on IG will grab you a 20% off code to use on anything online.